Represent Your Legacy
As you process your thoughts and actions you will notice overtime your progress bar increasing. Daily reflection allows for future correction to occur. Legacy has to be build on a solid conscious foundation.
Requires an individual to meditate (speak aloud). You must be willing discipline self to find alone time to be with our Heavenly Father. After prayer wait with intention to see what he reveals.
WHO YOU ARE! How strong is the foundation that you're building on? Ultimately, what are your expectations, and what is the end result? SET THE TONE!
Time does not wait on you, and most of time it's not in your favor. After reflecting, praying, and establishing your foundation advance into action. Others are waiting for your insight, plans, and innovations.

xLegacy Wrist Flex
Coming Soon
Grab others attention by making your wrist POP! Chose from an assortment of different colors, and funky styles. And when you’re asked about the wristband tell them about your future plans on leaving a prosperous legacy.

xLegacy Stickers
Coming Soon
Slap these stickers WHEREVER you want.. well as long as it its legal

Ignite Legacy Bundle
Coming Soon
Can’t decide what to purchase… Just click here and throw it all in a the cart!
Step by Step
xLegacy Wrist Flex
xLegacy Stickers