Movement to Ignite Legacy
It wasn’t until recently that I realized that I had something to say. I was so used to being a super laid back chick from the West coast, and working towards my educator profession. I did not realize that I wasn’t fully connected to the passions, and spiritual profession that God had for me. Once I decided to submit to God, and his instructions my view on life hasn’t been the same, and I’ve tapped more into His word, and now I’m on a new journey.
I hope that I can have a positive influence and impact on generations bridging together for the sake of leaving a viable and thriving legacy.
My mission is to labor throughout all seasons, while being endowed with divine power so that I will be able to cultivate stewardship, yet still standing on my faith, and sustaining integrity. So, that I will enlighten those with an open mindset, and an ear to listen to receive ample counseling.
Questions I’ve considered:
- Who does your identity rest in?
- Do you love yourself?
- What have you accomplished that you’re proud of?
- When nothing motivates you, then what is your next response?
- How do you want to serve others?
- Do you have a support group for your mental stability?
- What is your mission?
- Are you ready leave a stamp on this Earth?