
A really good friend of mine was discussing how once again just in as in biblical times there will be a remnant that will stand firm on Kingdom culture [all-things related to God’s purpose (plan)]. Moreover, she mentioned the refiner’s fire. Essentially, how this unique group of people have been purified (set-apart, cleansed), or layman’s terms, they’ve been devoted, and now are prepared for specific task(s). Now I want to make something very clear the remnant are not who you would expect. They’re in no way shape or form part of the A-Team, instead they’re the outcasts, or even the one’s who just usually blend in with society; go unseen. As we continued to have a conversation I was reminded of something I randomly wrote last Summer, but it may even apply now. Below you will find my writings that I had stored away, but originally was meant to be shared with a close-knit group. Hmmm… I wonder who else this may be for? It will either land well with some of you or not. A drop of a seed.

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