Seed of existence. Isn’t odd that many want to experience a prosperous life, yet the the field hasn’t been properly assessed. Is the field’s soil viable, or is it lackluster. This field reference is a great personification of legacy. I truly believe that any type of legacy can be produced- whether it’s one that is fruitful, or one that is barren. Quite often I think about how many legacy’s have been compromised because of misguidance, or there wasn’t a strategic formula mapped out for future generations. Just think about how many powerful innovators, and other professionals didn’t reach their full potential or tap into their purpose. Crazy, right? I mean it could’ve been someone that you knew, or someone in your life now. I truly believe that it comes down to pure generational stewardship.. Are we really setting the proper example/stage for those after us; even if they’re not blood related? How much time do we spend searching for ways to use our gifts/talents that will drive our passions? I don’t care what anyone says… every living soul has potential and purpose even if they started from humble beginnings. All potential needs is a simple spark, and then constant fuel to keep it aflame so it can be the driving force to your aspirations that will help establish self, but also guide and build others.

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